Biomass pellets reduce atmospheric pollution

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The energy technologies and devices of many biomass pellets in foreign countries have reached commercial application level. Compared with other biomass energy technologies, the technology of pellet machines is easier to achieve large-scale production and use. The convenience of using biomass fuel particles is comparable to that of gas and fuel. In countries such as the United States, Sweden, and Austria, bioenergy applications account for 4%, 16%, and 10% of the country's disposable energy consumption, respectively; in the United States, the total installed capacity of bioenergy power generation has exceeded 1MW. The unit capacity is 10~25MW; in Europe and America, the particulate fuel for the general households and the high-efficiency clean burning and heating stoves are very popular. Biomass fuel produces very little exhaust gas pollution, and sulfur dioxide emissions are less than one-twentieth of that of coal, which will greatly reduce atmospheric pollution and significantly improve the ecological environment.

The pellet machine can be applied to small boilers in the town, rural and small town boilers, and the biomass boilers with high biomass have high efficiency and low pollution. The peasant life, environment, energy and deployment of wood pellet machines, pellet fuels, and pellet machines is a win-win strategy. China needs an overall energy strategy, appropriate end-users with the right pellets, the right consumer groups, and the right energy services.


The use of energy is a huge system, at least in the following processes: resources, development, collection, transportation, transformation, and dissemination to end users. The use of China's national conditions and renewable energy should pay attention to the highly dispersed farmers and small towns, mainly for the object wood particle machine to solve this problem, which is a large part of the natural energy service configuration, the particle machine is the relative of the power equipment Convenient and efficient mechanical equipment deserves attention.

In China, pellet machined fuel particles are currently developing rapidly in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions, increasing at an annual rate of 30%. Only Guangzhou's domestic production capacity will reach 800,000 tons per year. The southern coastal areas took the lead in using particulate fuel as a clean energy source and showed significant economic and environmental effects. It has played a mitigating role in the governance of China's environmental problems and contributed to the development of China's economy.

Biomass energy is renewable energy and clean energy. The conclusion of energy conservation and environmental protection has already been proven in developed countries in Europe and America. With the improvement of marketization and commercialization of biomass energy in developed regions such as Europe and the United States, domestic policy trends are becoming increasingly clear. As well as people's awareness of biomass energy, I believe that the spring of biomass energy will come in the near future, and the spring of biomass pellet machine is coming soon!

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